The world’s number one diamond producer, De Beers, in partnership with the Government of the Republic of Namibia (GRN) through Namdeb Holdings, is producing some of the world’s finest gem diamonds from land-based and offshore operations. Namdeb Holdings is the primary licence holder and is owned by De Beers and GRN through a 50% shareholding each. Through Namdeb Holdings, Namdeb is the operator for land-based diamond mines while Debmarine Namibia operates the offshore licences.
Namibia’s land-based operations, some of which are over 100 years old, are gradually reaching their life of mines. The bulk of Namibia’s diamond production now comes from marine operations due to a larger resource base in the off-shore areas.
Further value addition is boosted by 13 diamond cutting and manufacturing factories that utilise about 15 percent of diamond production by Namdeb and Debmarine Namibia.