Andrada: An emerging , sustainable critical raw materials producer

Andrada Mining is an emerging producer of critical raw materials that is listed on the AIM (London), NSX (Windhoek), and OTCQB® (New York) exchanges. Currently, the Company is renowned for its tin and tantalum production, through its successful UTMC operations in Uis in Namibia and is expediently developing its lithium strategy. These metals are important enablers on the global path to the green transition because they are essential for components of electric vehicles, solar panels and wind turbines. Leveraging its strong foundation in Namibia, a top-tier African jurisdiction, Andrada is on a strategic path to becoming a leading African producer of critical metals including lithium.

Sustainability is integral to the business model

Through its large and diversified resource portfolio in the mineral-rich Erongo region, Andrada strives to produce critical raw materials for a more sustainable future whilst uplifting communities adjacent to its operations. Importantly, Andrada continues to support and contribute to the regional and national economy through local procurement expenditure, employment creation and contribution to Government revenue, while prioritising the economic empowerment of Namibians.

Given Namibia is a water-constrained country, Andrada recognises the importance of this issue for local stakeholders and supports local water projects that drive community growth and sustenance. Furthermore, Andrada strives to maximise reuse and recycling while preventing unnecessary water loss to the environment.

Governance and sustainability best practices are integrated across Andrada’s business model, to ensure the Company’s partnership with Namibia is truly mutually beneficial. Specifically, Andrada seeks to develop and maintain relationships and trust with all key stakeholders through open and constructive engagement. The Board has ensured a strong ESG committee that advises on strategies to improve operational sustainability practices.

Andrada is committed to creating a safe working environment where its employees can thrive and contribute to the achievement of their goals as well as the Company’s strategic objectives. Importantly, Andrada believes that everyone deserves to work in a safe environment and is committed to continuous improvement in safety protocols and procedures. In July 2024, Andrada’s subsidiary, Uis Mine achieved one million Lost Time Injury free hours bearing witness to the concerted effort by its management and employees to ensure that sustainability best practices are an integral part of daily operations.

Strategic Intent

Recently, Andrada refined its strategic objectives to better align to its growth plan to become a multi-metal producer. Through these objectives, Andrada will achieve its goal of being a sustainable African critical raw materials producer, with its roots firmly in Namibia.

TIN-TANTALUM EXPANSION: Andrada will expand its current production of tin and tantalum concentrates for global markets.

LITHIUM TO MARKET: Andrada will expedite its lithium development strategy to supply lithium concentrate to both the industrial and chemical markets globally.

RESOURCE EXPANSION: Andrada will expand its resource base through extensive exploration programmes across all licences.

PORTFOLIO GROWTH: Andrada will harness growth and diversification opportunities in complementary value-accretive minerals.

In parallel, Andrada’s goal is to continually embed sustainability as a culture to ensure that the Company can achieve development that is responsible and safe.

Expansion Plans

Currently, Andrada is adding a pre-concentration production circuit constituting TOMRA ore-sorters and a Metso crusher to increase the tin concentration production to 2,600 tonnes per year. Andrada is planning to integrate a lithium production circuit to the current plant in the next few years to advance towards initial production of up to 45 ktpa of petalite. Andrada is committed to a phased growth plan to becoming a renowned critical raw materials producer.

Contributed by Andrada Mining

Andrada Mining