Planning with the end in mind

Planning forms a crucial part of any project, no matter what size. Planning of rehabilitation risks and criteria in the early phases of the Life of Mine can improve decision making to reduce operation costs and maximize sustainable benefits.

At Otjikoto Mine, rehabilitation planning has been part of our responsible mine planning strategy long before operations commenced. Long-term plans have been developed for the type of landscape we will leave behind at the end of life of mine.

A comprehensive progressive rehabilitation plan has been developed for Otjikoto Mine and took into account various considerations. The plan addresses issues that include: hydrology, geotechnical, geochemical, landform design, rehabilitation approaches, flora, revegetation techniques, engagements with communities, and regulatory compliance.

The plan includes resource identification and allocation to ensure that sufficient resources are available for the duration of the life of mine. From the start of operations, it was planned to harvest and stockpile topsoil from disturbed areas for future rehabilitation activities. Some of our oldest topsoil stockpiles date back to 2013 and are being used in the rehabilitation of previously disturbed areas. As part of continuous planning, the stockpiles are regularly assessed to determine the bio-physical and chemical properties of the soils. This is to ensure their full functionality in the rehabilitation process.

Topsoil collection and stockpiling for rehabilitation

Planning has allowed Otjikoto Mine to implement a good progressive rehabilitation program where the operation has been able to:

  • Develop an environmental monitoring program that keeps track of any changes in environmental aspects.
  • Continuously improve on rehabilitation approaches and develop success completion criteria.
  • Make informed decisions on financial provision for rehabilitation.
  • Detect rehabilitation risks and develop corrective actions early

Planning has further provided Otjikoto Mine the opportunity to take a leading stance in mine rehabilitation approaches by developing an integrated and progressive rehabilitation program that ensures that areas are rehabilitated while resources are still available. Additionally, the operation has adopted leading international practices where there are opportunities for long-term sustainable benefits for B2Gold and Namibia.

Contributed by B2Gold Namibia