Rössing Uranium Expands CSI footprint beyond Erongo Region in 2022

Rössing Uranium Expands CSI Beyond Erongo Region in 2022

Rössing Uranium continues to live by its Motto of “Working for Namibia” through its Corporate Social Investment (CSI) activities, benefiting communities in Namibia.

Annually, the Company has a set plan of community activities to which it contributes, in addition to the reactive support given to requesting projects.

In 2022, Rössing Uranium has again expanded its CSI footprint beyond the Erongo region communities in which it operates. The support given to communities ranges from Education, Health, Safety, Environment, Youth and Sports.

Rössing Uranium donated N$50,000 towards the first Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) conference, which was hosted in Windhoek.

In the area of local football, the Kunene Governor’s cup received backing from Rössing Uranium, with N$20,000, and the same support was given to the Erongo Governor’s Cup.

Rössing Uranium honoured its commitment to the Willem Borchard Primary School (WBPS) in Okombahe, through the mine’s three-year Bigger -than-Me project where a feeding scheme kitchen was set up, as well as funding a week-long environmental excursion for the learners from WBPS to NaDEET at the NamibRand Centre.

Other major donations made by Rössing Uranium in 2022 include the following:

  • Donation of N$80,000 to the Swakopmund Nampol Reservist team. This follows a request by the Reservist team to purchase a second-hand vehicle for their operations.
  • Rössing Uranium donated 50 radios to various neighbourhood watches in Swakopmund.
  • N$50,000 was donated to the Community Skills Development Centre (COSDEC) Swakopmund centre for the renovations of their clothing design and production workshop.
  • Rössing Uranium donated a redundant vehicle to the African Institutional Management Services (AIMS) Arandis centre. The vehicle will be used by the trainees for practical lessons.
  • A donation of N$10,000 was made towards the Arandis Town Council Mayoral Relief fund.
  • Rössing Uranium supported six schools in the Erongo region and the Andimba Toivo ya Toivo Secondary School, with N$1,500 each, towards their school’s prize-giving ceremonies.
  • Rössing Uranium also donated two boreholes to the Ûiba-Ôas Co-operative to the value of about N$760,000.
  • Rössing Uranium remains committed to long-term stakeholder relations that are mutually beneficial, and executed respectfully for both the beneficiaries and the mine.

    Contributed by Rössing Uranium