Rössing Uranium Launches 45 Years

On Wednesday, 17 August 2022, Rössing Uranium launched its 45 year legacy book in Swakopmund. The 270 pages book documents the history and contributions of Rössing Uranium’s to Namibia’s socio-economic footprint over the past 45 years (1976 -2021) In his opening remarks: Rössing Uranium Board Chairperson, Steve Galloway mentioned how privileged he is to be […]

Rössing Uranium Builds into Willem Borchard Primary School

Rössing Uranium embarked on a three-year project, supporting the Willem Borchard Primary School (WBPS) in Okombahe in the Daures Constituency, Erongo region. The project is segmented into seven components, which are in support of the 10 Sustainable Development Goals. Annually, Rössing Uranium proactively identifies social performance activities against an approved budget. For the years 2021-2023, […]