TotalEnergies is transforming and reinforces its ambition to be a world-class player in the energy transition and to get to net zero in 2050, together with society
TotalEnergies is transforming and reinforces its ambition to be a world-class player in the energy transition and to get to net zero in 2050, together with society
The evolution of the S in ESG, measuring the impact of Social Transformations
Results of the Definitive Feasibility Study confirm that Twin Hills as a technically simple, long-life and low-cost gold project with very strong economics and plenty of upside.
Namibia Critical Metals Inc. concludes MOU to conduct a feasibility study for a rare earth separation plant in Namibia.
NUA participated at the International Symposium on Uranium Raw Material for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (URAM-2023) took place at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria, from the 8th to the 12th of May 2023 under the theme “Innovation for Sustaining Future Resources and Production”
Omitiomire to become Namibia’s next modern copper mine: long-life, low-capital copper cathode
Rössing launches its 2022 Sustainability and Performance Report, highlighting its life of mine extension plan, its contribution to the Namibian economy and global uranium production
On Friday 24 June 2022, Mr Günther Kahl, on behalf of Elspe Minerals (Pty) Ltd. handed over technical training equipment to the value of more than N$70,000 to NIMT in Arandis.
B2Gold commemorates Independence by celebrating “diversity” through the Company’s culture program, Atushe Vamwe (We are One)
Chamber of Mines Economist Lauren Davidson recently interviewed Gavin Chamberlain, Bannerman Energy’s newly appointed Chief Operating Officer.